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The worst thing that can happen as Aesthetic plastic surgeons is having a complication in the process of our specialty.

Although we cannot fully prevent these, as Doctors our obligation is to answer all of the doubts patients may have and provide them with all the information required to having a safe and successful surgery.

Here at Shape & Beauty, our goal is to have our patients know all of the possible complications and how to take action before surgery to prevent any of these.

LIPOSUCTION is a procedure that helps enhance the physique by removing the excess fatty tissue via a cannula, it lasts about 2-4 hours depending on the patient and it is performed under general anesthesia.

In a liposuction, the recommended fat Dr. Carmona can take out is 4 liters.


Because when the surgeon extracts the fat, not everything removed via the cannula will be “fat.” It will be a combination of fat and tumescent fluid.

Fat taken out equals to blood and tumescent fluid taken out, therefore taking too much fat out could cause losing too much blood and it can be dangerous. Excessive liposuction is not safe.

Every liter of fat extracted comes with an average of a 30% of blood, which means that if Dr. Carmona extracts 4 liters of fat, He will be extracting around a liter of blood. When normally, we have around 5 liters of blood circulating inside our body.

Losing 1 liter of blood in a surgery represents a loss of 20% of the blood inside our body.

We must remember that liposuction is NOT a weight reduction technique, but a great contouring technique.

The goal of liposuction must not be to remove the maximum amount of fat, but rather to achieve the best cosmetic results.

Another way to prevent complications in this specific surgery is having Heparin shots (Clexane 80 mg every 24 hrs) right after the surgery and for two consecutive days. This is to prevent Thromboembolism and Pulmonary Thrombosis (blood cloths in veins).

NOTE: Most patients are swollen after a liposuction surgery so they won’t really appreciate results until about 3 months after surgery, DEPENDING ON THE PATIENT.