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Prior to surgery, patients may spend considerable time preparing for surgery. Preparations include pre-operative testing and learning about their aftercare.

But what do you have to do before the procedure? The purpose of this blog post is to answer that question for  our patients.


  • Have your lab tests taken 1 week before your surgery
  • You must NOT smoke (2 weeks before surgery) otherwise Dr. Carmona’s guarantee of work will not be valid anymore. (NO NICOTINE PATCHES / PRODUCTS)
  • Do NOT take Vitamin E or D.
  • Do NOT take aspirins or any medication without consulting with the doctor first.
  • You must arrive at the hospital on time at: 6:30 AM (this is a must for patients because it is necessary for them to be calm, not agitated before surgery)
  • You must NOT consume food or water after 10pm the night before surgery. Consumption of these may result in your surgery being cancelled.
  • You must shower in the morning and don’t use any creams or lotions.
  • Remove all metal objects; this includes all piercings and jewelry.
  • Do not bring any objects of value into the clinic.
  • Remove any false teeth or dentures. And plastic nails
  • Wear comfortable clothing
  • Bring 2 printed copies of your labs

Here at our clinic Shape & Beauty we want our patients to have a proper and safe surgery, and following these indications, we are certain they will.