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Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) also known as Venous Thromboembolism VTE is the main cause of death in Plastic Surgery worldwide. That´s why it is imperative to know how to prevent it. 

Plastic surgery, like any type of surgery, is not exempt from complications. Cosmetic surgery procedures carry risks such as Deep Vein Thrombosis which can result in death.

DVT occurs when a blood clot forms in one or more veins located deep inside your body. it usually forms in a deep leg vein, a larger vein that runs through the muscles of the calf and the thigh.

It can cause pain and swelling in the leg and may lead to pulmonary embolism- serious condition that occurs when a piece of blood clot breaks off into the bloodstream and blocks one of the blood vessels in the lungs.

DVT occurs most commonly in patients who are over 40 years old. Certain conditions that alter how your blood moves through your veins can raise your risk of developing clots. These include:

  • Injury or surgery
  • Smoking (especially heavily)
  • Being overweight, which puts more pressure on the veins in your legs and pelvis.
  • Having a family history of DVT or PE.
  • Having a catheter placed in a vein.
  • Birth control pills or  hormone therapy.
  •  Staying seated for a long time while you’re in a car or on a plane, especially if you already have at least one other risk factor. Because when your legs remain still for hours, your calf muscles don’t contract, which normally helps blood circulate.

That’s why it is extremely important that patients go to a board-certified plastic surgeon, because they´re trained to deal with those things and, more importantly, to prevent them.

Here at Shape & Beauty Plastic Surgery, it is mandatory for Patients over 40 years old (unless told otherwise) to get Enaxoparin 80 mg. (blood thinner) and  Thigh high compression stockings (available on Amazon only for 30 USD) And wear them from the night before their flight to Cancun until 2 days after surgery.