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The augmentation mammoplasty commonly known as breast augmentation or “boob job” is one of the most demanding aesthetic procedures worldwide.

If you are thinking of improving the appearance and volume of your breasts, there are several important points to consider when interested in this procedure: the brand, the material, the quality, and the certification of the breast implants.

Nowadays cohesive silicone gel implants are the safest and highest quality for breast augmentation. Like any prosthesis, they can be round or teardrop shaped; They are formed by a capsule composed of several layers that prevent migration of the gel towards the exterior of the prosthesis, providing, in return, stability to the implant and, consequently, to the patient’s chest.

The biggest advantage of cohesive silicone gel implants compared to saline ones is that the results are much more favorable, since they provide a more natural look and feeling. Another advantage is that its duration is greater than any other breast implants. The silicone gel has a consistency which resembles closely to the natural breast tissue, which is why it is often impossible to realize the presence of silicone implants, especially if they are placed below the muscle tissue. Therefore, it is not only important to know which material the implants are made of, but also the brand, the quality and if they have a warranty.

When patients who have previously undergone this procedure are presented with symptoms of discomfort, inflammation, hardness of the breasts, or even febrile symptoms; The first thing we give is a medical order for a breast ultrasound to discard if the implants are ruptured, or perhaps the presence of a capsular contracture. Once those possible causes are discarded, the only way to know what is really happening is by removing and changing the breast implants. Effectively once they are removed, it is possible to observe the presence of implant rupture and in some cases the migration of the gel towards the exterior of the implants. This is why it is very important that the silicone gel is cohesive so that it stays in place even if it gets ruptured.

A very famous case is the one of certain implants that were manufactured in the south of France, using for its manufacture silicone for industrial use – not approved for medical use, which contained Baysilone (additive for fuels), and two substances commonly used in the rubber industry (Silopren and Rhodorsil). These implants led to the death of more than two women after the prosthesis exploded inside their body. Then, more than fifty women were affected with extra-capsular and intra-capsular rupture, and twenty-six women with breast cancer threat after having MRI studies. The implants of French manufacture have a rupture rate between 25-30% while the implants of other brands barely reach rates between 2-15%.

All the women mentioned above were affected by implants that did not meet the necessary quality and safety regulations.
In order to prevent unwanted results, here at Shape & Beauty Plastic Surgery, we use certified NAGOR cohesive silicone gel implants, with a lifetime duration and a 10-year warranty. So, patients can trust that their mammoplasty will have the aesthetic results that are intended without risk.