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For centuries, the relationship between doctor-patient was not changed, there was a well defined role. The doctor ordered and the patient was instructed…

Since Hippocrates, the principle of beneficence always has been seen as paternalistic act by the doctor. In the last 50-60 years, the principle of autonomy acquired increasingly more relevance. For doctors, it has been very difficult to leave the paternalistic conception and assume a more symmetrical doctor-patient relationship. On the other hand, the principle of justice demands the doctor not only to diagnose and treat the patient,  but to manage the resources of health as well.

In the quest for the patient’s well-being, these relationships may have the intervention of a public or private institution where the exercise of medicine becomes more technical with an impersonal treatment.

Many will say that it is the best model of doctor-patient relationship and the one that has proven to work. However in daily life, the disadvantaged are doctors and patients. Doctors because they lose freedom of work, their effort is reduced to a technical process of worker. The patient is seen as one more number, depending on the willingness of a third party to access the required treatment. Obviously the end result is the loss of the human relationship between the doctor – patient.

In order for it not to happen, the best considered doctor-patient relationship is where the doctor considers / values needs, instructs, supervises and dialogues with the patient, as well as the patient cooperates with the doctor’s instructions.

Here at our clinic Shape & Beauty, we think the most important thing of the doctor-patient relationship is mutual trust. If there’s no confidence whatsoever we are not accomplishing the main goal.

we assure you to get the best personal treatment and the most professional one. Our aim is to help patients feel at home with anything and everything they need while they’re abroad.